The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Holiday Blahs

Last week I was hot to get going and this week I'm having trouble writing. This sucks!

This is the I'm Tired Of Waiting period I've always run into before, that's what it is, and I WILL not let it stop me. (I hope.)


OHMYGOD...I was just trying to make small talk with one of the dance faculty, Laura, and asked her what she thought of the title "Comet Zombie." She BURST out laughing and trying to talk. I finally figured out I had said "Common Zombie" and thought it was pretty funny.

What a great title for a zombie spoof!

Kate and Susan and I should write a spoof! Or maybe a radio play. ;-)

[later still]

Then she came up with the title Amazombia. I figured it could be the sequel.


C. Margery Kempe said...

Tough it through -- time and time again, that's the only answer. Even if you just stare at the page, even if you delete everything you type, even if it seems entirely useless, apply seat to chair and stare stare stare, because eventually, a good work will come, then another, then a sentence, and finally, it will flow again with the usual fits and starts.

I'm telling myself the same thing :-/

There are people, it is rumored, for whom this is easy. I envy them.

Chuckie58 said...

Those people suck.

C. Margery Kempe said...

Indeed. I need to get writing on some reviews reviews this weekend. Maybe it will seem like a nice break to work on the novel. At least reviews tend to go a little faster (yeah, like the Beowulf review, which took a lot longer than it ought to have).

Common Zombie: We can put up a Google document and all just edit it in turn when we have time :-)