The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Still pushing ahead, almost always at work, though more and more lately I'll manage to get some writing done at home. There's no privacy there, and way too many distractions, like, you know, WORK.

Last night I handwrote a page on chapter nine while in class, after typing a few hundred words in 296. Today I'll pretty it up (aka put in the right place on my flash drive) and do some more words. Pretty quiet here today.

This is a bad least for me. For my acquaintance Kelly Pfaffenburger, it's a great day because the local PBS station told her officially today that it's a go on the tv show she pitched to them last spring, ironically when she was at a very low point after quitting a beloved job after running into her own private Terry.


C. Margery Kempe said...

Keep slogging -- I'm writing nothing but crap, but I'm writing and it will come back eventually. Keep going -- the ritual sustains if you keep it going (hey, it worked for Mother Theresa). There's never enough time and yet whatever time you have gets filled, even if it's filled with dreck.

Congrats to your friend Kelly!

Chuckie58 said...

You are the only reason I'm still going, and I really don't want to disappoint you. So...keep pushing! ;-) And thanks again.