The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Monday

Not much to say today. Got a good bit of writing done on Friday but nothing on the weekend. The long, tiring weekend. Since it was 96 degrees outside yesterday I thought I'd go ahead and do some work on the driveway. ;-) Carried the pickax and shovel down the drive and went at it. Still have some fixing to do - that last rain made some new bad spots - but I found a good lode of clay to use for patching. Pewter got mad at me when I threw the shovel at her when she wouldn't stop heading toward the road.


C. Margery Kempe said...

Apparently similar events were going on at Susan's house -- jackhammering and pounding to re-do the porch. Suddenly and without warning -- I bet you gave plenty of warning. Good to hear you got some writing done. I have to do a lot this week and I will (or you can kick my ass).

Chuckie58 said...

Precious little writing, but some is done. Poor Parker. *eg*

C. Margery Kempe said...

Some done is some done. I can't wait to find out!