The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yeah, it was covered in weekend yardsale debris on the dining room table. Pesky flash drive is safely ensconced in the cpu and ready to be backed up.

Last night we went to see Stardust, and it was a lot of fun. Too long and the music was just, wrong, but still a lot of fun. Birdie didn't see the whole Tristan Is The King thing coming at all, but I didn't get the blue blood joke until she laughed so I guess we're even. *g* On the way home we rescued a young couple trying to move furniture on vastly undersized hand trucks in this heat. The karma points were immediately cashed in when a lady in Corydon kindly called to let me know I sent my electric bill to the wrong place and she dropped it off on her way home last night.

I'm looking forward to digging into the beginning of chapter seven. Six is too long, and I'm thinking of either chopping off some of it or putting in a super short chapter right in the middle. That's for later. Right now I'm going to see how well Kelsey can handle stress and gore and her own awakening warrior tendencies.


C. Margery Kempe said...

Hurrah! It's on a lanyard or something right, so you have some visual cue bigger than the drive itself?

Glad you had a chance to go out and enjoy a film, and that you both foudn things to like about Stardust.

C. Margery Kempe said...

I hope you're writing even if you're not writing here...