The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fri-DAY! Bout Time

This week seems like it has taken FOREVER. So, I'm taking next Monday off. My hope (as always) is to get some things done that really need to be finished.

Today I'm typing the handwritten stuff from chapter eleven, and of course filling in as I go, because typing is so much faster than scribbling. I'm seriously not worried about the re-write when I'm finished with the first draft, because I've never had a problem with that. I love adding stuff, and usually catch a lot of the stupid stuff. ;-)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Hard Night Out

We went to see a terribly disturbing play last night - Birdie's first pick in two years and we went on a whim. She promised never to pick again.

My creative juices kicked in yesterday afternoon and I typed for a while. Of course, as soon as I started it got busy in the office. I left feeling hugely frustrated.

I think I may be having trouble because I'm trying to write in sequence. I've never tried that before, and I'm too scatterbrained, as a rule, to do things in a straight line.

So, I'm going to have to skip ahead a bit and go back to the place I'm stuck in. Ironically, I'm stuck in a place I was actually looking forward to writing. Will I ever get this? You know, understand what the hell I'm doing? Probably not.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Feel Stupid, Oh So Stupid

I feel like killing someone. I feel like going home and hiding under the bed. I feel like a complete failure in every way possible.

Hormone day.

I've warned everyone I see that they should not talk to me or expect anything from me.

Last night I was at the library for a while waiting for Birdie to finish a Master Gardener class, and got some writing done. I don't even care. I just want this day to end, which it will late tonight because we decided at the last moment to go see a play.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Day

Or, a Monday, anyway. Though it has officially turned to spring, the weather continues to hold out for winter. Seems this one has lasted forever, and I'm really looking forward to things greening up, even though we'll be mowing lawn here AND in the south.

I need to really push myself, and get more done with the book. This lingering is killing me, because I want to see it finished.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday, But Not Drowned

It rained for 36 hours WITHOUT QUITTING. It NEVER rains that much here. Except that once fifteen years ago when it rained so much we played a softball tournament on an infield that had three inches of standing water all the way to the parking lot, and I had to dig a two foot hole to plant my foot while pitching because the ground was soft to that deep. Normally around here twenty minutes of steady rain is odd, but it DID NOT STOP for a day and a half.

Still writing. Sloooooooow.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Paper Trail

The problem with writing longhand...well, there's more than one problem. One is that it takes longer to write anything, and another is that you have to type it later.

Good things are that you can write any where, any time, and aren't tied to a desk or a heavy assed laptop. I got some good writing done waiting for my piano class to start last night, because I walked over right after work, when I knew there would be no one in the hallway who would talk to me. I worked that flair pen. ;-)

Then in class, he QUIZZED us, and asked me to define the G7 chord. Sheesh. I had a moment of panic, then did it. He's one of those instructors you WANT to do well for, so his brief (very brief) smile was a nice pat on the back.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Back

Blogger really sucks sometimes.

Luckily, I didn't write much. Essentially, I said how much I'm happy to be back in the office so I don't have to work so hard. It may have been only three days off, but Birdie can pack those days full. ;-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Snail's Pace

About the speed of my writing, I'm afraid. But hey, it finishes the race.

Parker is having fun hanging out with a cop. Hopefully today Kelsey will get her gun. I hope the comedy goes over all right.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yeah, Baby

So, I was hit by another thunderbolt yesterday. A reason WHY some of my characters are the way they are, and suddenly the way to the end of the book is more clear.

But enough about easy things like writing a book - my midterm is tonight and I *still* can't play those fucking tunes. Argh! I think *knowing* I'm going to fuck it up is the only thing saving my sanity right now. ;-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yes, Yes

I'm still working on the book, but I've been writing in a notebook I carry everywhere, because all my creative moments were coming at a bad time for me, computer-wise. Plus, I think it's easier on the psyche to be going slow if you're writing longhand. *shrug* I'm still going.

For about a day I was hung up on who the POV for eleven would be, because I started with Kelsey. It just didn't work, though, so I started again with Parker. Much better. *s* Kelsey just came whipping around the corner with the car, and he couldn't BE more surprised. If they ever do a screenplay, this will be a great scene. ;-)