The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fri-DAY! Bout Time

This week seems like it has taken FOREVER. So, I'm taking next Monday off. My hope (as always) is to get some things done that really need to be finished.

Today I'm typing the handwritten stuff from chapter eleven, and of course filling in as I go, because typing is so much faster than scribbling. I'm seriously not worried about the re-write when I'm finished with the first draft, because I've never had a problem with that. I love adding stuff, and usually catch a lot of the stupid stuff. ;-)

1 comment:

C. Margery Kempe said...

Kudos -- enjoy that day off, you deserve it. Have a little fun, too (it's this thing I've heard about). I was too exhausted to really enjoy SF. But I am into page 12; regaining the steam. It comes back. Glad you're working.