The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Hard Night Out

We went to see a terribly disturbing play last night - Birdie's first pick in two years and we went on a whim. She promised never to pick again.

My creative juices kicked in yesterday afternoon and I typed for a while. Of course, as soon as I started it got busy in the office. I left feeling hugely frustrated.

I think I may be having trouble because I'm trying to write in sequence. I've never tried that before, and I'm too scatterbrained, as a rule, to do things in a straight line.

So, I'm going to have to skip ahead a bit and go back to the place I'm stuck in. Ironically, I'm stuck in a place I was actually looking forward to writing. Will I ever get this? You know, understand what the hell I'm doing? Probably not.


C. Margery Kempe said...

You will, yes -- you will.

Persist. One foot ahead of the other, one word ahead of the other. Skip ahead, come back later (she says, the hypocrite, having written nothing today).

C. Margery Kempe said...

That though made me so sad, that I just wrote a paragraph or two and now I'm on page 11, so I can feel like I made a little progress. Every tiny little bit, it helps.

'Night. Long day. Very long day, but it's over.

Chuckie58 said...

Do you think it would be good for you to not have to work for a living? I know I dream about it, but realistically I know I would find a million other reasons to not write even if I had time.

Dammit, why can't we all just be rich?

I'm glad to hear you're persevering, too.

C. Margery Kempe said...

Funny -- but I thought of that tonight. I'm constitutionally unable to do one thing for very long without getting antsy and having to move around. I dunno. I would have to have a lot more room.

I think we ought to be rich, but I see no hope of accomplishing it. I don't even remember to play the lottery, LOL. Anything would help at this point. Not traveling, mostly. It's too late to back out of April and May, but after that...

Chuckie58 said...

Um hm. For instance, I didn't write yesterday despite having the day off.

I'm getting antsy to do Other Work, but I'm not as good as you (nor will I ever be!) with juggling projects.