The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Time and Space

Finally a good day, at least for getting things done. My desk is clear, if not my mind. I intend to sleep tomorrow until I am finished, even if that means being mean to Birdie. Tuesday is my second hearing (piano test), and I need work, and I need to do housework, but most importantly, I need to sleep.

Parker almost sounds angry in chapter ten. I wonder why I don't do emotion very well, even when I'm faking it (aka fiction)?

1 comment:

C. Margery Kempe said...

Hope you got some sleep. I did today and felt a momentary twinge of worry for sleeping late (and not doing work), but I feel so much better.

Good luck on the piano test. You'll do fine.

Don't fake it -- use your anger (I know you have some). Channel the real thing into the invented scene. Let the emotions out -- it's a good exorcism.

Don't back away from your emotions! I know you might fear opening that particular lid, but you have to be authentic on the page.

That's the beautiful thing: you can conjure happiness out of nothing, out of your own fancy -- or you can take the very real anger and despair (and I've had lots lately) and give it to your characters -- and free yourself. That's the theory anyway.

I completely lose the faith in that all the time. Despair yesterday was about as low as it has been in weeks. I fought my way back -- at least part way -- by writing, by digging into that world I made, singing at a wake with my characters. And of course, socking my main character with another tragic turn by the end of the chapter. Your characters suffer, but you control their fates. You can't control your own that much -- only how you deal with the vagaries that come.