The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Nice And Quiet

Just the way I like it. I'm the most UNambitious person you're ever going to meet, and someone who doesn't care if you sniff at my lack of ambition. Probably because I'm going to be sneering at you for BEING ambitous. *g*

Today is the dance auditions and there are loads of girls, and a few boys, discovering that college dance classes are a little different than they're used to. *eg* The plus for me is I don't have to fuck with the folders and letters and stuff for another six months. Whew!

Birdie's birthday went well. I didn't get her any huge presents, just several smaller ones - one of which she bought without realizing it. Took her about an hour to notice. Yes, she laughed. That particular trick is one of the long-standing themes of our relationship. (Yes! I will pay her back.) I bought her lunch and then dinner then we went home where I was asleep by eight-thirty, so she had her birthday whiskey by herself. She said she got a load of e-cards and that made her very happy.

Piano class last night was HORRIBLE. I *could* not make my hands do what my brain told them to do, and the teacher got a bit impatient, and I felt like a fool. Mid-term is next Thursday, and I'm dreading having to play - get this - Kum Ba Yah. *shaking head* That is one tough fucking song for a novice.

On the writing front, I'm starting to pick it up a little, though I was in no mood for it Wednesday after the big blow up, and yesterday that faculty was watching me like a hawk, so I had to be all secretive. *rolling eyes* This afternoon I'll be going upstairs and continuing to work on chapter eleven. Yesterday I was working on mapping and outlining, and taking notes. I've got a much better idea what my town looks like, and that helps. But I had definite ideas about each character's psyche when I began that just isn't making it onto the page. I'm only making notes now for the re-write, and I can only hope that will make it in later.

1 comment:

C. Margery Kempe said...

Glad your sweetie had a good birthday! Prezzies is nice. MMmm birthday whiskey. I had a spring break martini last night -- yay!

Piano will get better. You always reach plateaus and practice, practice, practice gets you through them.

I'm glad the mapping and outlining is paying off. Sometimes that prep work helps to keep the whole of the world in your head. You have to see it all clearly.