The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Not A Good Day

The husband of a friend died last night. Gary was only 57 and was, essentially, killed by the wonderfully inept medical "care" he received. Between that and mold allergies flaring up, and my instructor losing a paper I turned in last week (giving me now a C for the course), I feel crappy today. The only good thing is how well my mom took it when I told her Saturday that we're only going to work on the house every OTHER week from now on. That should raise the stress level some.

I couldn't sleep last night, between getting the news about Gary at midnight, then Birdie turning to me and say, "Don't die, okay?"

The book was worked on. Again, pitifully slow, but still going. I feel the story is bogged down in inactivity right now, but it's just a feeling steming from how slowly I'm getting it done. Yesterday I got no writing done at all...even on the paper that's due tonight. Right now I'm thinking why the fuck even bother. Anyway Kelsey has decided to be more proactive and learn how to kill zombies. First, though, she has to go to the bathroom. *g* I'm hoping that this novel is a little different than most, because people don't seem to get just how radically life would change, and how that would affect stuff that never gets written about.

Friday night was dinner and a game, so we got home late, then Saturday morning we had to stop at the battery shop to drop off the truck battery that is dead, dead, dead. We took the canna bulbs down to the house because it SHOULD be a constant 50 degrees in the house, except when we're there. Birdie won't be until next year, but I'll be there for Christmas and maybe one other time. We did precious little work, then drove up to Bedford to do the Christmas parade, which was fun as hell as usual and, as usual, fucking COLD. Worth it, though. Yesterday I cleaned house and ironed shirts while she put up lights in the yard - Santa is back! She wasn't finished, though, when torrential rain started to fall. It rained most of the night and the wind is horrible.


C. Margery Kempe said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. What a terrible loss. But I'm glad you'll be cutting back on the work on the house. That's a lot of time and effort.

Find the paper and persist. If s/he lost it, s/he needs to give you credit for having turned it in.

I, too, am plugging away at a glacial pace, but every step brings you closer to the finish even if the progress is not visible to the naked eye.

I think the practical side is a really interesting angle that has not been sufficiently explored (shades of I am Legend?) and look forward to your developing new world. C'mon -- keep on keepin' on!

Susan said...

Another vote for being glad you're cutting back on the house right now. With road conditions now that winter is trying to settle in, you really shouldn't be making that trip all the time.

Weird that you should hear about Gary yesterday. My mom called me yesterday to tell me my friend Mary Anne (the one with the multiple brain tumors) isn't expected to make it to Christmas.

ghods I hate the winter holidays.