The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Whatever Works

Seems like I'm doing much more work longhand than I am typing these days. But hey, whatever works, right? Yesterday up on 296, before my disasterous class over in Woodburn Hall, I penned (literally) about four hundred words before the students began showing up begging for a signature. This is the time of year all those morons who dropped a class because "it was hard" (whine) have to look for a second 8 wk class to keep a full load. Of course, all those classes are already full, and we get thirty reproachful looks a day from those kids. That really kills us, ya know? ;-)


C. Margery Kempe said...

Tell me about it! I had to meet with all my students in one course individually today and there's one who you never know if it's going to be a GREAT day or a TERRIBLE day but it will only be one or the other. Passive-aggressive, too; openly hostile today. Sorry, but critical feedback is part of the process. If you want to know your grade, ask. Don't make oblique comments suggesting I'm not being direct enough. Ask a direct question.

I'm writing this here because it doesn't link to my blog :-) But I don't want this unpleasant encounter to linger in my mind. I am done with that. On to the next thing. Oh, I had to be observed Tuesday, too, so I am kind of feeling conspicuous at the moment.

Good that you're working -- by hand, by keyboard, whatever! As long as one more word gets down on fixed form. I got a few more pages down last night. The chapter isn't breaking where I expected it to do, but so what? I'm missing one piece of information that I think I just need to write up to and see what happens.

The funny thing is that the title has suddenly become meaningful rather than simply arbitrary :-D Puttin' that subconscious to work. Despite the big party this weekend in CT, I may have ch 6 done to send by Monday (fingers crossed -- I still have an essay to revise on Friday, so maybe I can ping pong between them.

Chuckie58 said...

I don't know if I could restrain myself from leaping over the desk and throttling the kids if I didn't know they were going to be Gone In 60 Seconds (never saw that movie). What the fuck is so damned hard about making a schedule? Sheesh.

You're catching up with me, I'd better start writing more. ;-)

You've got a big party too, eh? We're "partying" with "my" softball team this weekend. Birdie wants us to still be friends. I'll be as polite as I can manage, and I may drink heavily. You know, I'm FINALLY getting to the stage of not missing the drink? Feels weird.