The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Handle

I'm getting a hold on it. My creeping advances are getting a wee bit bigger every day, but I'm still trying to figure a good way to get some serious minutes in. I'm just not awake enough to write anything worthwhile at four o'clock in the morning. About half the time I want to, I can bring myself to work out in the morning, but I really have to push myself, and we all know what a wimp I am. ;-)

Speaking of physical health, I have to say I haven't felt this good in a long time. I just knelt on the (admittedly not as hard as it could be) dance studio floor for several minutes on my bad knee and didn't feel any ill effects except a bit of pain. A month ago I literally couldn't have done it. This week (the two month anniversary of the end of my softball career) I'm walking with only a little pain, despite doing a lot more stairs (on purpose) than I've been doing and concentrating on PUSHING OFF with my left foot. I'm not allowing any kind of limp at all. Yes, I'm feeling it, yes I'm being careful not to tear it again, but man it feels good to start getting my regular stride back.

Tonight I'm going to test it by push mowing for a couple of hours. Wish me luck. *g*


Oooh! Oooh! I just outlined a new scene that I needed to make sense of a later scene, and it's a nice thriller. Kelsey begins to show her stuff here, and I can't WAIT to fill it out. *happy grin*

The chapters are still in disarray, but I now have the piece of puzzle I needed to make them fit again; more importantly, the thing is making sense to ME again.


C. Margery Kempe said...

Those puzzle pieces are so important! I have been mulling over one of my own at the close of chapter five (plan to have it done by Monday!) but I've written up to the revelation -- and there I got stuck last night. I finally googled some technical things hoping they would give me a clue about how to make this moment credible (oddly enough one of the lessons for my students in Creative Writing next week). Think I've got it now.

Take it easy with the mowing -- stop if you need to, don't push it (so to speak).

Chuckie58 said...

Ha ha! Don't push it!



I'm more worried about my heart being out of shape than my heel for mowing right now.

And I'm always so excited when some detail drops into my head that clears up something in the book or makes it work better (or will when I plug it in), cause I *will* finish this book, and I want it to be readable.