The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oddly Crappy

I feel like hell today; I think it's PMS, on top of stress about the house, my back, money, not getting things done and the year is flying by, not getting new furniture at my office. That last one has me on the verge of tears. How in the fucking world could I have believed Shea even for a moment? Kay is all smugness - she's got a fucking office and isn't in the middle of the goddamn hallway. I'm looking at jobs again. I told everyone a couple of years ago that my office was the second biggest reason I was leaving, after Terry. Well, the situation hasn't changed a bit, and I'm still not "used" to having people walk up behind me all day, staring over my shoulder, startling the hell out of me at least once a day. Fuck it. Let some numbskull chickie right out of high school have this job.

The book is still going slowly, but going. I'm seriously going to start working on another project, because I already know it's going to take forever to finish Trouble and Ruin, so I may as well work on something else as well - just so long as I don't stop working on T&R. If I ever do stop, I will cease work on everything else until it starts up again.

[later...] Ah HA! I did start my period. Now I feel crappy for real but at least I know why.

Got a great idea for Earned Run while walking to the IMU for lunch. Harmony (my hero) is going to either call or text the bad guy's phone to set off the umpire-scrambing virus, after the bad guys "win" by taking over the control room. They're also going to kill Harmon's boyfriend and shoot Hal the helpful programmer.

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