The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Crazy, Crazy

Crazy Friday, crazy weekend. Betty Haven's retirement party was Friday night and I got snookered in front of the faculty. Damn. Saturday was Liz Gregg's dissertation party and I got snookered AGAIN in front of faculty. *sigh* Then we went to Uncle E's where I got really, really drunk and couldn't drive home. Man, do I have a problem.

Friday writing was, again, brief, but productive. I just need to keep going on it today. The students are now gone - as witnessed by the incredible filth covering some lawns I walked by - so it's REALLY quiet around here. It'll be interesting to see how much I get done. Cheryl is gone, so there will be even less interruption, not that she does that much. Heck, even Birdie stayed home today.

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