The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chapter One

I sent the not-really-finished chapter one to Kate last week and have been kicking myself ever since, because it's so unfinished it's basically a pile of crap. Still, she's so used to dealing with clueless undergrads who are unable to write in their native language that she was very kind to my rough effort. She made some EXCELLENT suggestions, and pointed out some goofs that - after she pointed them out - were pretty obvious.

Of course I forgot to bring my laptop today, and I'll be spending a couple of hours at the library tonight. I'll probably borrow one of the Kinesiology laptops, because there's no way I want to write by hand.

Tonight I will work on revision of the two chapters I have ninety percent done, and I will write as much of chapter three that I can. Chapter one of course has to be the grabber. Parker is the right character to sell the book to its expected readers - boys. But Kelsey is the more interesting character to me of course. Still, I'm getting along with Parker pretty well. The one character I'm most interested in that I can't really continue is Tran. He's cool and confident, and I think it would be neat to see what that kind of character does in this situation. Maybe a later work...

Last night I did something I should have done a lot sooner: back up my work. Duh! Now it's on my flash drive and my desktop at home. You would think a person who is considered a "computer guru" would be better about doing that.

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