The whiny story of slogging through writing my first novel.

Monday, December 17, 2007

This Just In

I'm actually working on chapter nine. Kate inspires me, as always, to not give up. The mantra is going through my head: evenifitscrap, evenifitscrap, evenifitscrap...

Week Before

This is a really stressful week every year, with last minute shit going on. For some reason it doesn't seem to be bothering me much, though, so I feel pretty calm.

My desk here doesn't show that, though. Got a lot of work to do.

AND I have to decide when I'm going to go see I am Legend. Fuckers could have advertised the theater was closed, or maybe PUT UP A SIGN.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A New Day

Okay, that's better. Except for missing going down to the house this weekend (drat *g*) due to an expected 3-6 inches of snow, I'm feeling less stressed. Looking forward QUITE a bit to getting back to writing the BOOK. Argh! I've been stuck in chapter nine for so long!

My final didn't start last night till 7:15, so Birdie did some last minute shopping stuff, like returning the tools that I got her for Christmas. (Hey, she SAID she wanted them.) She went to K-Mart, where I bought them, got the money and drove across the street to Sears (where I wouldn't have gone in anyway) and bought MORE tools than I gave her for LESS money. Huh. Damn, she's good. She gave me back the receipt and told me to return one of the tools because she found a better set for less at Sears. *grin* Then she was waiting in the hall when I finished, doing her Christmas cards.

Tomorrow she leaves Indy at about a quarter to 9, which is way better than the typical 6:30 flights. Bleh. So, I'll probably be back to town around noon, where I'll have to stock up on bird food, beer and white bread (shhhh, don't tell her). Then I'll go see I Am Legend and come home. It's supposed to start snowing overnight Friday, so it'll be a winter wonderland Saturday, and there I'll be, STUCK with beer and cats and a woodstove and DVDs and nowhere to go. If the electricity goes out? I'll stick batteries in the mini tv, and watch only ONE movie in my new portable DVD player. (Till the battery runs out. *g*)

This is actually one of the (many) reasons I was stressed yesterday. I always feel guilty about enjoying my time alone, and I'm both dreading Birdie leaving and anxiously awaiting some quality alone time. Most of the time she's gone I'll be really busy, but there are a few days I'll have for my own, and I *will* make the most of it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tis The Season

I hate Christmas. Every year I look forward to it, thinking, pathetically, that THIS year I will do better. I'll get Birdie better gifts and make the season festive for her. Funny how that never happens. Then I get to spend the day with my ever-more-estranged family (the five people that are left) after waking up Christmas morning by myself. This is a season to endure, not enjoy.

No writing yesterday except to jot down two lines of a short short I'll probably never write. Vampires, or rather a vampire this time, and I think I came up with a story to go with the lines.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

That Day Sucked

Monday, that is. I'm exceedingly glad it's over. Almost no work done on the book - Carol was in 296, which means I didn't get any quiet time. Birdie did some last minute Christmas shopping, and then to home.

Tonight is the departmental Christmas party, then we'll go home and have our own party and open presents. Tomorrow is the final, so we won't get home till after 9:30, then Thursday she'll be packing to leave way before dawn Friday morning. Like every year, I worry about her travelling. It just makes me nervous.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Yeah, Right

Like I'm going to get time on the weekend. Sheesh. Well, at least for writing.

It rained all weekend, at times quite hard, but Birdie was out all day yesterday putting up the rest of the Christmas light. Yeah, she was playing with electricity in the rain. She only has a few more days till she leaves and she considers it one of my major Christmas presents.

Saturday we dragged ourselves to town to visit Santa (and forgot to bring the picture this morning - duh!) for our yearly photo opportunity. He was so excited to see us that he was waving and calling to us while we were still upstairs. *grin* Then we drove home, and worked all day and all the next day. Next Sunday I'm not getting up except to go to the bathroom. ;-)

Friday, December 7, 2007


I love leftovers, especially at work when I forgot (again!) to eat breakfast.

Only a little writing yesterday, long hand, upstairs, before I got busy. Hmph. There's not supposed to be any work upstairs.

It occured to me only yesterday - DUH - that Kelsey and Parker are FROM Skyview. Why aren't they seeing people they know? *sigh* I'm thinking it would make more sense for Parker to become zombie-killing-averse if the zombie he plows down with the garbage truck is, say, someone he dated once.

Yeah. I'm slow.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I'm a typing fool today, and yesterday and tomorrow and ...

It's evaluation time and I get to type all 157 sections. (I'm only guessing about the 157. *g* It is a paper box full, though.)

Last night was the last class. YEA! That was a lot of work, BUT, I got a lot of writing done that I wouldn't have otherwise. Last night I uncrimped a spot that had gotten all bolluxed up and boring and nothing really going on. Not that chapter nine is a rollicking roller coaster, but at one point I had scratched out a half page of writing and noted on the side, "This is boring!" When I'm not chastising myself for being a hack writer, I tell myself it's one of those brilliant lulls that James Cameron uses so well. *BIG wink*

I expect to get a LOT of writing done the next few weeks. It's so frustrating to know how the damned thing is going to finish and not have the time to just put down the words. I want to finish it so Kate can rip it to shreds and make something decent out of it. *nuther big wink*

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bee Day

As in busy. These last few years (except the one my dad was dying) I've looked forward to vacation a little too much. Typing typing typing, and never on my poor novel. But I DID write a few hundred words waiting for class to start last night, and hopefully everyone will leave after the party that starts in twenty minutes.

Tonight is the viewing. We're not looking forward to it. Bev loves Birdie like a sister, but her kids are not real bright and redneck to boot. I wouldn't be surprised if someone raises a stink about the queers being at the funeral home.

Tomorrow is my last class. It's been really educational, but a lot of fun. Got an A on my paper, and he accepted a late submission on the last homework assignment - which I turned in and he lost. Pays to be a good student. Faculty know you're probably not lying to them. ;-)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Not A Good Day

The husband of a friend died last night. Gary was only 57 and was, essentially, killed by the wonderfully inept medical "care" he received. Between that and mold allergies flaring up, and my instructor losing a paper I turned in last week (giving me now a C for the course), I feel crappy today. The only good thing is how well my mom took it when I told her Saturday that we're only going to work on the house every OTHER week from now on. That should raise the stress level some.

I couldn't sleep last night, between getting the news about Gary at midnight, then Birdie turning to me and say, "Don't die, okay?"

The book was worked on. Again, pitifully slow, but still going. I feel the story is bogged down in inactivity right now, but it's just a feeling steming from how slowly I'm getting it done. Yesterday I got no writing done at all...even on the paper that's due tonight. Right now I'm thinking why the fuck even bother. Anyway Kelsey has decided to be more proactive and learn how to kill zombies. First, though, she has to go to the bathroom. *g* I'm hoping that this novel is a little different than most, because people don't seem to get just how radically life would change, and how that would affect stuff that never gets written about.

Friday night was dinner and a game, so we got home late, then Saturday morning we had to stop at the battery shop to drop off the truck battery that is dead, dead, dead. We took the canna bulbs down to the house because it SHOULD be a constant 50 degrees in the house, except when we're there. Birdie won't be until next year, but I'll be there for Christmas and maybe one other time. We did precious little work, then drove up to Bedford to do the Christmas parade, which was fun as hell as usual and, as usual, fucking COLD. Worth it, though. Yesterday I cleaned house and ironed shirts while she put up lights in the yard - Santa is back! She wasn't finished, though, when torrential rain started to fall. It rained most of the night and the wind is horrible.